Eat and learn on a Slice of Chicago Pizza Tour!

I’m one of those people who thinks the pizza war – New York vs. Chicago – is pretty dumb. How can you possibly compare the two? I ADORE New York-style pizza, the way you have to eat it on a stool, put oregano on it and fold it up.  I lived on it in grad school, because I had no money to eat anything else. I LOVE Chicago-style pizza pie, which you have to eat sitting down, with a fork and knife and good company. They’re just different animals.

However, living in Chicago, I know where my allegiance must lie. And now I have a seven-year-old boy who would eat pizza every single meal if he possibly could. So, when I saw a social coupon for Slice of Chicago’s pizza tour, it seemed like a great way to encourage his budding love of food while spurring his creativity and an interest in culture. We finally did our the walking tour during the end part of the summer. I think my kid was at first a bit shocked that we were doing a tour that didn’t take place on the water, but he took it all in stride. Continue reading